FalconForce’s Olaf and James will be visiting Lausanne, Switzerland to join Insomni’hack! They will facilitate a 3-day workshop version of our Advanced Detection Engineering in the Enterprise training.
The workshop is highly interactive and retains a good balance between theory and a lot of hands-on exercises, in which the students execute all attacks themselves in a dedicated lab environment. These exercises are extensively documented in our lab guide and provide the option to get hints and (partial) solutions where needed. This allows the students to get familiar with the detection engineering methodology and prepare them to start implementing this practice at their organizations.
In the workshop we will cover parts of a full, realistic attacker scenario in an enterprise environment: from the endpoint, through the Active Directory and into the cloud environment.
For more information about the workshop’s contents and how to get your tickets, click on the button below to visit the Insomni’hack website.
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